The audi Q6 e-tron is a mid-size electric SUV and an upgrade to the original Audi e-tron. The model leverages the Porsche-Audi co-developed PPE platform with a dedicated EV architecture. Audi has focused on the all electric driving range to rival Tesla with the vehicle producing an impressive 350 mile+ electric range and upgraded infotainment system. Recommendation: Given the battery and EV owners preference to charge quickly at home and keep your EV battery topped up as quickly possible and so reduce range anxiety, we would recommend a level 2 J1772 charger for your Audi Q6 e-tron. The NEMA TOTALEV 14-50 40 amp 9.6 kWh is our recommended EV charger. These will also futureproof you as car batteries get bigger. Charge times are fast. From a 50% battery (in practice when most EV owners re-charge), the car will be fully charged in around 5 hours with a NEMA 14-50 40 amp 9.6 kWh Audi Q6 e-tron EV charger.